About Me

Hello! My name is Tiago. I have a strong interest in the fields of technology, coding, mathematics.

I am a Data Engineer, holding a Master's degree in Mathematical Modelling and Computation from the Technical University of Denmark. Currently, I am focused on further developing and refining my Data Engineering skills to excel in this field.

English, Portuguese, Spanish
Tech Skills
Programming Languages
Python, SQL, Bash, HTML/CSS, C#
MSSQL Server, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, Elasticsearch
Docker, Linux, SSIS, SSMS, Cron, Tableau, Kibana, VSCode, Jupyter Notebooks, PySpark, Unity, JobScheduler, JIRA
Version Control
Git, Github, Bitbucket, AWS CodeCommit
AWS, Azure, Oracle Cloud, Netlify
Some Python Packages
Pandas, PySpark, Boto3, FastAPI, Jinja, Plotly, Seaborn, Scikit-learn, PyJWT, Psycopg2
Professional Experience

Jul 2021 - Aug 2022

Data Engineer

Develop ETL solutions for clients' databases to be migrated into new systems. Implemented data conversion processes using SSIS and T-SQL. Used JIRA and Confluence for project management and Git for version control.

Gain business insights from data. Using Python, implemented Machine Learning algorithms and created visualizations for stakeholders.

Engage in discussions to establish implementation needs and demonstrate development progress

Master's Degree

2017 - 2020

MSc. in Mathematical Modelling and Computation

Technical University of Denmark

Specialized in Optimization and Machine Learning. Applied Operations Research algorithms to problems such as container shipping route optimization. Followed courses in Stochastic Simulation and Time Series.

Thesis: Multi-Factor Portfolio Construction: A Risk-Based Approach. Implemented a hierarchical clustering algorithm for factor selection in Python. Investment portfolio outperformed the S&P500 while achieving lower risk exposure.

Exchange Program

2018 - 2019

Applied Math & Computer Science

Delft University of Technology

Used machine learning algorithms for pattern recognition on numerical and categorical data. Introduced to High-Performance Parallel Computing.

Bachelor's Degree

2014 - 2017

BSc. Mathematics Applied to Economics and Management

University of Lisbon

Comprehensive Applied Math degree covering Probability, Statistics, Stochastic Processes, Numerical Analysis and Financial Mathematics.

Microsoft Azure Data Engineer Associate

Issued Jun 2022

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Amazon Web Services Cloud Practitioner

Issued Feb 2022

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Contact Me
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